Model Fields

Custom Django model fields.

Postgres specific fields

Fields that can only be used with a Postgres database, enhancing the functionality provided by django.contrib.postgres.fields.


Provides range fields that work with the Range classes from xocto.ranges.

The underlying Range type exposed by the Django ORM is psycopg2.extras.Range which is awkward to use throughout an application, and requires lots of boilerplate code to work with correctly.

Alternatively, xocto.ranges are designed to be used throughout an application. These fields make it possible to interact with them directly from the Django ORM.

Migrating from the Django range types to these range types is straightforward and does not require any changes to the database schema. The migration file generated will refer to the new fields, but since the underlying database type is the same, the migration will be a no-op.

The standard Django query operators are almost the same as for the built-in types. They accept xocto.ranges as arguments, but don’t support passing in a tuple of values:

assert SalesPeriod.objects.filter(
    period__contains=ranges.FiniteDateRange(, 1, 10),, 1, 20),

assert SalesPeriod.objects.filter(
    period__overlaps=ranges.FiniteDateRange(, 1, 10),, 1, 20),

# ERROR! This will raise a TypeError
SalesPeriod.objects.filter(period__overlaps=(, 1, 10),, 1, 20)))


Module: xocto.fields.postgres.ranges.FiniteDateRangeField
Bounds: []
Type: xocto.ranges.FiniteDateRange

A field that represents an inclusive-inclusive [] ranges of dates. The start and end of the range are inclusive and must not be None.

import datetime
from django.db import models
from xocto import ranges
from xocto.fields.postgres import ranges as db_ranges

class SalesPeriod(models.Model):
    period = db_ranges.FiniteDateRangeField()

sales_period = SalesPeriod.objects.create(
    period=ranges.FiniteDateRange(, 1, 1),, 1, 31)

assert sales_period.period == ranges.FiniteDateRange(, 1, 1),, 1, 31)
assert sales_period.period.start ==, 1, 1)


Module: xocto.fields.postgres.ranges.FiniteDateTimeRangeField
Bounds: [)
Type: xocto.ranges.FiniteDatetimeRange

A field that represents an inclusive-exclusive [) ranges of timezone-aware datetimes. Both the start and end of the range must not be None.

The values returned from the database will always be converted to the local timezone as per the TIME_ZONE setting in

import datetime
from django.db import models
from xocto import ranges, localtime
from xocto.fields.postgres import ranges as db_ranges

class CalendarEntry(models.Model):
    event_time = db_ranges.FiniteDateTimeRangeField()

calendar_entry = CalendarEntry.objects.create(
        start=localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 14, 30),
        end=localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 15, 30)

assert calendar_entry.event_time == ranges.FiniteDatetimeRange(
    start=localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 14, 30),
    end=localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 15, 30)
assert calendar_entry.event_time.start == localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 14, 30)


Module: xocto.fields.postgres.ranges.HalfFiniteDateTimeRangeField
Bounds: [)
Type: xocto.ranges.HalfFiniteDatetimeRange

NOTE: docs can not link directly to HalfFiniteDatetimeRange at this stage as it’s a type alias

A field that represents an inclusive-exclusive [) ranges of timezone-aware datetimes. The end of the range may be open-ended, represented by None.

The values returned from the database will always be converted to the local timezone as per the TIME_ZONE setting in

import datetime
from django.db import models
from xocto import ranges, localtime
from xocto.fields.postgres import ranges as db_ranges

class Agreement(models.Model):
    period = db_ranges.HalfFiniteDateTimeRangeField()

agreement = Agreement.objects.create(
        start=localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 14, 30),

assert agreement.period == ranges.HalfFiniteDatetimeRange(
    start=localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 14, 30),
assert agreement.period.start == localtime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 14, 30)